Red Berries and Lost Love

Live Performance with over 60 first-time community performers

  • Co-choreography and direction: Tamara McLorg and Janice Parker
  • Camera: Laurent Ziegler

Performed Palais Kabelwerk, Vienna, Austria

This work was part of a Community Dance Development Project that took place between 2009-2001, in Vienna, Austria supported by Caritas Wein.The project was co-directed by Tamara McLorg and Royston Maldoom with Janice leading the disability-led strand of the work, creating choreography and training and mentoring local dance artists and organizations in disability-led dance practice. Our work there has led to the development of the brilliant Tanz die Toleranz an organization directed by dance artist Monica Delgadillo Aguilar. What is wonderful is that along with many many new dancers – some who participate regularly and some who drop in to the famous weekly open dance workshop Saturdance, shopping bags in hand, in Brunnenpassage – some of the performers from this original work, Red Berries and Lost Love, in which Monica was also one of Janice’s assistants,  continue to perform and collaborate regularly with Monica. The power of dance with a long-term vision for sustainability and development built in from the start!

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