This 3-day workshop with 16 older people from across Europe was planned to coincide with the International Day of the Older Person and was part of Amateo’s international gathering in Edinburgh to explore and celebrate creativity in an ageing population. Amateo is the European Network for Active Participation in Cultural Activities that serves and promotes people’s participation in the voluntary and amateur arts and Don’t Look Back was in partnership with Voluntary Arts and Luminate (Scotland’s Creative Ageing Organisation) and supported by Creative Scotland.
Janice was invited by Amateo to respond to the idea of Don’t Look Back, a theme arising from a challenge to the practice of focusing on the past when working with older people. What about their interest in the future?
She invited artist Luke Pell to join her as part of their on-going work The Wait of Mountains and together they collaborated with the 16 Europeans working, sharing, creating and devising intensively together in Edinburgh’s Central Hall.
Janice and Luke collaborated with videographer Tao-Anas Le Thanh to create this document of our 2 days together